Pirongia School, Waikato, New Zealand

Our school is located in the middle of the North Island of New Zealand.
Our school motto is "Together We Climb" because we live under and on an amazing mountain - "Pirongia Mountain". we love our mountain and we all spend time doing different things on the mountain during the year.

15 July, 2010

The Movers and Shakers of Room 8

Check our Learning - We want to hear from you...
We are starting the Primary Enterprise Programme this term for the year.
Our whole class will be investigating worthy causes to give a percentage of our profit too. We will also be looking at selling some of our products at our local Pirongia Market. Our challenge is to make quality products that people really want to buy.
Do you know of any worthy causes? What organisation would you suggest we donate to?

1 comment:

  1. Hey movers and shakers of Room 8. How about the Mr H retirement fund as your worthy cause? Then with all the money you make I could retire and sit by the school pool reading books. Nah, but seriously you are all awesome thinking about others you could help from your fortunate positions...

    My favourite Charity is called Kids Can, its the All Black Charity too follow the link here to have a look, it helps New Zealand children in need, like those who can't even afford shoes to walk to school or a raincoat.

    Let me know if you think this is a good charity.

    Mr H
