Pirongia School, Waikato, New Zealand

Our school is located in the middle of the North Island of New Zealand.
Our school motto is "Together We Climb" because we live under and on an amazing mountain - "Pirongia Mountain". we love our mountain and we all spend time doing different things on the mountain during the year.

18 November, 2010

inquiry questions

hello again
for the last few weeks we have been studying sustainability
for this we have had to buddy up and choose a question that suites us.
next we did studyed the question and found results that we either put on a poster or power point.we will be presenting them next week for all to enjoy and improve on their sustainability.

10 November, 2010

lower waipa athletics

All went well at lower waipa.Some succeeding with promising placings.
All our outstanding relay teams were on fire. Both two of our fabulous year 5&6 teams boths made Pirongia proud with perfect 1st place results for both of them.
our 7&8 girls earned Pirongia 2nd in relay with our 7&8 boy not far behind at 3rd place.
GO PIRONGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lower waipa a

08 November, 2010

Prefixes and Suffixes Activities

Improve your vocabulary, spelling skills by completing these activities.

Congratulations to all the Year 5 and 6 children who competed in our Inter school Waipa Athletics competition